In March 2019, 16 founding members, resident in the municipalities of Niederanven, Contern, Sandweiler and Schuttrange, founded the inter-municipal energy cooperative “EnerCoop Syrdall”.
The aims of this cooperative are, among others:
- to implement and develop projects for the production, purchase, distribution and sale of renewable energies;
- to promote a rational and responsible use of energy among its members and the general public; and
- to promote and contribute to the energy transition and combat energy poverty.
The first four initial projects in the field of photovoltaics, financed by the 138 partners, were successfully implemented during the years 2019 and 2020 in close cooperation with officials of the four communes. In our commune, the connection of the photovoltaic installation on the roof of the school "am Sand" to the CREOS network was finalised on 9 December 2019. These are installations with a combined power of more than 250 kW. Other projects will follow in the coming years.

EnerCoop Syrdall
c/o Administration communale de Sandweiler
18, rue Principale
L-5240 Sandweiler
President: Mister Paul Polfer
Secretary: Mister François Kirps
Contact: enercoopsyrdall@pt.lu